Speeches (English)

Table of Contents

Part 1 – Marketplace


Hiii 🙂 nice to see you all here!

Before we get started, I’d like to say a few words about the schedule and awareness.

We’ll start with the first round of speeches, then we’ll walk around Schießwall, Löfflerstraße, and Rubenowstraße to the train station forecourt. There will be a few more speeches before you can head to the Queer-Garden in the STRAZE. You can see the exact route on Instagram, or ask one of us.

Please make sure that you don’t have any weapon-usable objects or glass bottles with you during the event! Yes, not mate bottles or Spezi either. During the demo we will of course make way for rescue vehicles, we will not hold up the march, wrestle or anything else. Alcohol has no place here either.

We want the Alternative Pride to be a safe space for everyone! We reject abusive and discriminatory behavior. Be in solidarity. Look out for each other. Ask for consent. only yes means yes!

However, if something happens that makes you feel unsafe, you can contact the awareness team. You can recognize the awareness team by the purple vests with the white A on them. One of them will be at the end of the demo. You can also reach the team at: +4915154969425

The awareness team is always approachable, expects no justification and won’t do anything you don’t want.

There will also be water, snacks, sunscreen, earplugs, tissues and period items at the awareness trolley at the end of the demo. There’s also some change money for the public restrooms.

A word about photos. Two people take photos of us, one is me and the other is Jay (show). Please do not take any photos without permission, and please remember not to publish any in which people can be recognized.

And if any of our speakers do not want to be photographed, please let us know.

Now I’ll hand over to Lark, have fun!

Once Again

CN: Right-wing extremism, right-wing violence, racism, queerphobia

Once again, I’m standing in front of a group of people and giving a speech about the importance of my human rights. So, hello. My name is Lark, I’m 30, I’ve lived in Germany all my life, but I don’t have the citizenship for various reasons. My parents came to Germany for professional reasons. At that time with the vague plan to move back at some point. But things turned out a little differently and Germany and Greifswald became my home. I grew up here, went to school, went to university. And no matter what I say here, it probably won’t reach the important people. But I’m here anyway. At the time I started writing this speech, the local and European elections had just been held. I read that the voter turnout was 66 per cent. And almost 70 per cent of the votes were given to far-right/conservative parties. So, how does that make me feel?

How is that supposed to feel to me already? I am an Asian non-binary queer person without the right to vote. So how is that supposed to feel for me?

This year has been scary for me in a way that it never has been before. First came the correctiv investigation in January. Reading that there are people in politics who want to deport „people like me“ in the long term was not surprising. But I was still shocked to have the certainty.

But it wasn’t just met with resignation. As soon as the research was published, there was a whole wave of demonstrations and protests like we’ve never seen before. Like a wake-up call for everyone who hadn’t previously given much thought to the threat posed by the right. Suddenly we were all on the streets and took a stand against right-wing extremism. The protests gave me hope, they gave me courage. For a moment it felt like we could defeat fascism overnight. But of course, it was just a drop in the ocean considering what we might still have to face. The shift to the right has not been magically halted. It has even become louder in some cases. Under anti-fascist content on the internet you can read many hate-filled comments. Right-wing extremist offences continue to rise. As we unfortunately saw last week in Grevesmühlen. I don’t have the words to express to express my feelings about the acts of violence against children. I am so infinitely sorry. I am concerned, worried, a little frightened… And angry.

Right-wing violence must not be ignored. Right-wing violence must be combated and recognised and named as such. It is too easy to overlook and minimise discriminatory ideology in everyday life. How often have marginalised people, including people with multiple marginalisations like me, have shared their experiences and were not believed? How many times have we been in situations where we would have liked support but didn’t get it because people looked the other way?

The right-wingers are always stereotypically the uneducated Ossis with bald heads and combat boots. And for many, right-wing violence only begins when a person is beaten up by right-wing extremists. And sometimes even that is not enough and people talk about „supposedly right-wing extremist motives“. And while we of course know only too well, especially now, that right-wing violence is a huge problem, this is not the beginning. And it’s not just the bald Reichsbürger from the East.

Where is Sylt again? What did the people look like again who sang „Ausländer raus“ \[foreigners out\] to a pop song by an Italian DJ’s pop song sung by a British-Nigerian singer?

The video has moved Germany, as it is obvious in this case that a privileged environment and a high level of education do not protect against right-wing extremist ideas. The Fascism in this country runs very deep and the fact that it is more open and stronger in some areas is no reason to ignore it there and write off the population. In MV last year, a group of high school graduates also openly sang the same song. There was no national outcry. We all remember the rainbow flag in Neubrandenburg that was stolen and replaced.

We all remember the victims of right-wing violence in recent years due to racist, queerphobic, sexist, ableist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim motives.  Last year, I spoke about how young people made choking noises towards me when I walked past them with a Pride flag. I will now tell you a few more things from my horizon of experience.

About nine years ago, some friends and I were on our way to the bus stop at night and a drunk man was verbally abusing us all. He made racist, anti-Semitic, homo- and transphobic remarks.

And one afternoon eleven years ago, I was walking past a person near the city centre who was listening to right-wing rock and then gave me the Hitler salute.

I marginally prefer the people who simply shout „Nihao“ or „Konnichiwa“ at me on the street because they think it’s funny to address an Asian person „in their language“. I don’t speak Chinese or Japanese, so I personally find it only moderately funny.

The threat from the right has not just been acute since this year or last year or ten years ago. Right-wing ideas are also not an Eastern phenomenon or a phenomenon of less privileged or less educated people. I grew up in the West and I remember borderline problematic and even racist and queerphobic jokes from my teachers and classmates. When people asked me „where I’m from“, they didn’t mean Hamburg back then. They talked about how exotic I looked and praised me for the fact that my German sounds very good. When people say that the „criminal foreigners“ should be deported, they don’t mean me, of course, because I am „excellently integrated“.

„I’m not racist, but what kind of migration background did the perpetrator have? Did you know that LGBT rights don’t exist in country XY and that women are oppressed there? So you also stand up for people like that? For homophobic foreigners?“ I’ve heard some people talk like this and I’m sure you’ve heard it too.

Right-wing extremist ideas are being relativised, trivialised or justified. Foreigners and people with a migration background are heavily categorised, with some of them being considered „tolerable“ and others are not.

Perspectives with multiple discrimination are often forgotten or not considered important enough. After all, you are an exception. Well, here I am today, as an exception. I can only give my perspective, just as the other speakers and participants give and contribute their perspective today. The fight for equal rights is a fight against fascism and a fight for the rights of all of us.

We all want to live. Without fear. Without compromising our human dignity. Without compromises in our human rights. Not only with a view beyond the edge of our plate, but with a look across the table. With solidarity, empathy and humanity.

Queer in the workplace

Suprise, suprise. queer people also have to make a living  and, accordingly, most of us also have to work. It is therefore worth taking a closer look into the working realities of queer people in Germany for alternative pride. For alternative Pride, it is therefore worth taking a closer look at the working realities of queer people in Germany. Fortunately, the study „Out in Office“ was published in March of this year by the Institute for Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Research. It covers  the working conditions  of queer people in Germany.

We noticed a few points in particular.a few aspects really stood out to us but we weren’t surprise by any of them.  We were not surprised by them. Unfortunately. We don’t want to present the entire study to you here, although it is certainly worth taking a closer look at. Instead, we would like to bring to your attention those points that we believe are symptomatic of the problem as a whole.

instead we’d like to bring the research’s aspects to your attention, which we find to be symptomatic of a structural problem.

For example, we were previously unaware of the orientation pay gap: Lesbian women are paid 12% less than their heterosexual colleagues. For gay men, it’s 5% less. – And what applies to low wages in general also applies here: A shit wage leads to a shit pension.

The queer hostility that exists in wider society does not stop at the workplace.

12% of people in Germany do not want to work with people who are openly homosexual. One out of 5 people in Germany do not want to work with trans* people at all.

If these people are in the HR department, this naturally has an impact on the recruitment and promotion rate of queer people. In comparison between lesbian and heterosexual women, the former receive 1/3 less positive feedback on their applications. There are noticeably few queer people at management level, despite the fact that they tend to be better qualified. As one of the interviewees said: „The glass ceiling is a reality. You can do what you want – at some point you won’t get anywhere, no matter how hard you try.“

There is still a lot to criticise when it comes to solidarity in the working environment:

Only 15% of queer people have experienced support from their colleagues when discriminated against in the workplace.

All of these conditions paint a bleak picture of the reality of queer work in Germany.

Nevertheless, the study also shows that progress has been made compared to previous studies in 2017 and 2020: More and more people are daring to be openly queer in the workplace. It remains to be hoped that the normalisation of queerness in the workplace will also be followed by a normalisation of queer working conditions.

One thing is clear, the status quo cannot continue.

So what can we do?

Unite the struggles!

Organise in the workplace, join labour unions and raise queer issues there. Whether you are queer, a refugee or simply a wage earner: Don’t allow the disadvantaged to be played off against each other. Stand up for each other’s rights! The same applies here as everywhere else: United we bargain, divided we beg!

None of us is free until all are free

CN: Deportation, suicide

All over the world, queer people are affected by violence and discrimination on a daily basis. Our very existence is a challenge to the capitalist social order, and so we become the enemy of the reactionaries. This also serves to divide the working class, because only a united proletariat can bring down capitalism.

But people with multiple discriminations are particularly affected. Queer people who are affected by racism are hit particularly hard by this discrimination and state violence. The German state is still deporting queer people to countries where they face long prison sentences or even death. Some know no other way than to escape the threat of deportation by committing suicide.

We must finally realise that the fight against queer violence and discrimination is an international one. We need to realise that capitalism is the basis of our oppression. Whether in Germany, the USA, Pakistan, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia or anywhere else in the world. Everywhere we are persecuted and oppressed to varying degrees because of the same basis.

So it’s not enough to just look at the rights we have won in Europe and pat ourselves on the back that we are now supposedly free. We need to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world and connect fights. Because the following applies, here and everywhere else: „none of us are free until all are free“

Poetry slam from „Zwischen(t)räume“

This is a text I wrote last summer in a queer poetry slam workshop. I was inspired by this sentence: “There is sympathy for the heartbroken, but not for the heartbreakers.”

1 Paul stood in front of her, maybe an arm’s length away, and stared at the ground. Elena knew it would be over now. “Look, I don’t know what you want from me, but I, I don’t want this, I want – I just want it to be the way it was before.” Carefully Elena gazed up into his face. He seemed confused. “Like before? Before what? When we were only acquaintances with unused potential?” “No, when we weren’t yet spending every night in the same bed and didn’t call the same damn flat home, weren’t always flirting with each other, when your toothbrush was already hanging next to mine but stayed dry most of the time, you took your clothes back home, I could show up with a pizza in hand, but could also leave again before midnight. I kind of liked that more.” “Okay. Okay. But then it’s over between us, I’m not taking your weird step backwards.” “I didn’t expect you to.”

2 Elena and Fiona had immediately gotten along well. The bar old, the lights dimmed, her smile coated in flattering shadows. And she smiled a lot, just like Elena. The conversation went smoothly, considering she was talking to a stranger. The clock strikes one, two, and she was surprised, as Fiona invited her home. It dawned on Elena what Fiona probably wanted from her. But she wasn’t really feeling it. Fiona wanted to show her the view from her balcony. And while they were standing there Fiona put an arm around Elena, turned towards her, and their mouths met. A revolting feeling rose up in Elena. She hated this. The railing slipped from her grip, she had clutched onto it for dear life. “Stop, no, I can’t do this!” – “Sorry, what? You’ve been flirting with me all night, what else do you want?” – “To go home”, and she left the flat.

3 Alex had been friends with her for a long time. Not inseparable best friends, but friends. Sending memes, meeting for game nights, going to concerts together, meeting up for coffee. Just like now. The second Alex said it, she knew there was no other way, other than breaking his heart. “Say, Elena, you haven’t dated anyone for a long time. And we get along really well. And you are so beautiful and clever, and I’ve had feelings for you for ages, you know. So, would you go on a date with me?” “I can’t. You are beautiful and clever too, and I love you, but not like that. Not in the way that I want to go on a date-date with you. And you have to believe me, it hurts so much to break your heart, can we please, please stay friends?”

4 There is sympathy for the heartbroken, but not for the heartbreakers.

Part 2 – Trainstation

Discrimination and Assimilation

It’s easy to give up. To drop the fight, ignore the injustice. Especially for those of us who are

privileged, due to our citizenship, looks, ability, or otherwise.

We’re not the ones being targeted right now, we still have time, can pretend that we’ll be safe if we just play along, adjust.

Many people, many of us, want to believe those lies – the myth, that if one adjusts accordingly, people will accept them. In the end, you’ll just find yourself discarded among trinkets of all kinds, decorative, almost, there to embellish a middle-class living room between the stories of the American dream and the lie you live. being „one of the good ones“, the one that spouts conservative and right wing propaganda won’t protect you. Even if you hide, put on a mask to be liked by every attendee of the average family reunion, you won’t be safe. In the end, you’ll only betray yourself — because those people are not your friends. It gets lonely between those who want to roll back your rights, no matter how much you pretend it’s not.

Not everyone has the ability to fit in, to play pretend: multiply marginalized people.

No matter how much the voting results scare me, I know, I have more privileges than others. Yes, privilege – the thing nobody likes to talk about. Recognize our own privilege as endo/dya, white, cis people shouldn’t be hard – it’s important for any kind of grounded political analysis. Those who think their privileges are normalcy are unable to understand injustice, aren’t a safer space.

Everyone knows them – the people who have had their fill, who refuse to pay attention to those that uphold their rights, to those still struggling, those still fighting. we know multiply

marginalized people are often at the forefront of fights for change and justice.

Activism by marginalized people that aren’t white cis middle class people is often seen as too

radical, „those who demand instead of ask and refuse to back down are responsible for their own discrimination“.

This trivialization of right-wing ideas, the shift in discourse – from justified demands to „but be nicer to your oppressors“ – have brought us to this point over the years. Too many of us have kept silent because we didn’t want to afford the inconvenience of actual activism. After all, it’s a comfortable way of life. No reason to offend, to stick out.

But those who do not defend and support their community will soon find themselves on the other side of the glass, not as a spectator but as a zoo animal, a token, a showpiece. The presentation plate is always a target. Those who chum up are not automatically safer, because in the end it affects us all. Perhaps to varying degrees, but the tolerance of the conformists is limited in time.

Therefore: don’t conform, don’t give up, don’t lose yourselves, be loud, be queer, look out for each other. Against the state, its tools of oppression, internalized queer hostility.

If we don’t have each other’s back, if queer people everywhere can’t count on us, then who can we count on?

Stand in solidarity with those whose struggles are harder than ours, than yours. Not just in

Germany, in Europe, but globally. No one is free until we are all free.

Militant Pride!

More than fifty years after the Stonewall uprising, Christopher Street Day no longer has much of what once made the movement strong: militancy, anti-capitalism and anti-racism. Last year’s CSD in Berlin was opened by the governing mayor Kai Wegner (CDU), the police have their own car and the CSD is „supported“ by companies such as H&M and Mercedes. We have gathered here today to resolutely oppose these „corporate Prides“ and will not forget the repression by the state and capital from the present and the past! In the meantime, many major liberal newspapers and writers are describing the emancipation of the „queer community“ as complete or on the way there. This is often backed up with statistics on the income of homosexual people.

However, the fact that the queer community is much larger and more diverse than just homosexual men and that oppression continues to take place worldwide is ignored. If we look at the situation of queer people in today’s capitalism, we see that despite the achievements of the last three decades, oppression undoubtedly persists, even in advanced industrialized countries. It turns out that the different class position of the vast majority of queer people and a thin layer that has found a niche within the system is often ignored. Publicists who claim that oppression of any kind no longer takes place are therefore referring to the discriminated groups of people who have enough capital to distance themselves from the struggle for freedom and real emancipation.

This difference resulting from capitalism means that there are queer people from both the capitalist class and the working class; in short, there are queers who have an interest in maintaining the oppressive system and those who have an interest in overthrowing it! This rose-tinted economy that countless theorists have told us holds the community together is a mirage. In reality, queers are no more united by their sexuality than women, POCs or other oppressed groups. Instead of a unification, there

is a division that runs right through the heart of the community and is based on class. It is precisely this difference in class that affects the experience of oppression, the politics and strategy of the struggle for liberation. I would like to give an example at this point:

The Advocate, one of the best-selling gay magazines in the US, published an interview with Alan Gilmour in 2007. In it, he talks about how difficult it was for him to come to terms with his gay sexuality, how he was accepted in the company after coming out and how he managed to overcome certain prejudices. But until 1994, Alan Gilmour was Vice Chairman of Ford, the second largest car company in the USA. This made him one of the most influential bosses in the USA. He resigned from Ford in 1994, but continues to sit on the boards of Prudential Insurance, Dow Chemicals, Detroit Edison, US West and Whirlpool. From the interview in The Advocate, we learn that despite his busy life, he still has time to oversee the construction of his dream home, a four-story, 13,000-square-foot mansion in Detroit. While we understand that Gilmour struggles with his sexuality, his lifestyle, income and wealth are very different from the workers who have to work long hours on the Ford assembly line for low wages, many of whom are queer. (This image of the well-off gay man actually dates back to the late 19th century, when homosexuality was illegal.

For over a century, portrayals of gay men as actors and artists, as wealthy and flamboyant individuals have been common stereotypes. These stereotypes have played the damaging role of suggesting that normal people simply cannot be gay. This, in turn, reinforced anti-gay attitudes among workers. The updated version of queers as yuppies plays a similar role and has been confirmed by two recent, albeit non-representative, surveys in the US. In most cases, statistics on queer people do not take the variable of wealth into account. However, wealth and income make a big difference to people’s sexual and gender identity, as they provide an individual escape route from a cis-hetero-normative society).

However, our aim is not to further widen the divide in the community, but to reveal the real interest of the vast majority in queer people and to clearly differentiate ourselves from exploitative (pink) capitalists. Only the working class can undo this social inequality in the queer community as they keep the whole system running. Today’s workers are more queer, migrant and female than ever.

Nevertheless, the queer movement must (will) stand together with the working class:

Against the shift to the right, the cuts and for a life without oppression and exploitation. We must politicize and expand the strikes at our workplaces, universities and schools, i.e. question and fight capitalist ideology! We want to have more time to cultivate sexual and romantic relationships. In other words, a reduction in working hours for the same pay.

If you spend most of your life doing dull work, how can you concentrate on building relationships and to love? This goes hand in hand with the demand for wages

to be brought into line with inflation. We cannot emancipate ourselves and „live freely“ if we work in precarious jobs and run out of money for our next meal and rent. We demand the expropriation of housing corporations and an end to the profit-oriented housing market. With high rents, it is almost impossible for queer young people and adults to break out of their family structures. We must take up the original militant, anti-capitalist and revolutionary spirit of CSD and abolish the existing social institutions.

This is a militant Pride, against repressive state power, against all forms of oppression, against capitalism and racism – a place for the overthrow of existing conditions!

Slutshaming and Ableism

Hi! I hope you’re all doing well! And even, or especially, if you’re not doing well, I hope that this day can give you strength, can give you some hope, or that this day can help you voice out your anger and worries.

Today I will be addressing some potentially triggering topics in our speech such as: Queerphobia, misogyny and ableism. I’ll also be covering some topics that may be more mature, such as “sexual topics”, while also using language that is considered “adult language”.

Some of you may know me already, as I’m here quite often! I wrote this speech together with my friend Yuki, who is also here today to support us! (Yuki will probably stand next to me, hi Yuki!) Yuki uses all gender neutral pronouns or he/him.

My name is bunni. Or Juri. Or Bubbles. Or denden. Or carbon. Honestly, if I would list out all the names we would run out of time. I’m finding new names all the time. And everyone else is also finding new names for me all the time! I’ve heard it’s a struggle for lots of genderqueer people. Yuki is looking for a new name as well right now. So don’t worry if you haven’t found a new name just yet. It’s an eternal struggle.

But for today, “bunni” is fine! I use they/them or any pronouns!

Our first topic today will be “slut shaming”! We call it slut shaming when people judge other people, especially people who are being perceived as female, who express their sexuality openly, dress revealingly, and so on. After that we’ll talk about the topic “queer with disability”. Finally, to round off the speech, we’ll be addressing neurodivergence.

I’m best at simply sharing my experiences as a queer person, so we’ll do it like that today as well.

For most people I’m something mind-blowingly new. Genderfluid, polyamorous, pansexual, neurodivergent, online sex worker, hypersexual… I hope my parents aren’t listening. (Hiii mom!)

No matter what people like me tell others, in most of the cases some kind of slut shaming happens. Sometimes I do not even have to say anything as people will already start to shame me when they first see how I dress.

Some of the things people may think about me are true, while other things aren’t.

Yes, it’s true! Hypersexual people like me have a really high libido.

No, polyamorous people aren’t in a relationship with multiple people just so they can jump into the next person’s bed once the other person doesn’t have time for them.

Yes, I got OnlyFans and I sell my worn socks online. It’s quick and easy money, I swear! But take care.

No, pansexual people aren’t pansexual so they have more people to choose from.

Yes, I love wearing revealing clothes and showing off my body.

So? What’s your problem? Am I not allowed to because I’m an AFAB (assigned female at birth) person? Why is it okay for cis men to constantly think about sex even though most sexual assaults are caused by them? But the second an AFAB person dares to express their sexuality openly they are a slut?

Fine, I’m a slut then. But not because you’re calling me that but because I’m reclaiming that word for myself. And when you’re telling me you’re “Just worried about me” it’s still not my fault if anything happens to me!

So… why am I telling you all of this? Because sex workers, AKA the people who are being slutshamed the most from society, were a huge part of the people who “invented” the Christopher Street Day.

I don’t want us to forget why the CSD even exists in the first place. Yes, the CSD is a day for celebrating our diversity. But it’s also a memorial to the Stonewall Riots. Without them we probably wouldn’t have come as far as we have today.

By the way: As I’m writing this speech, I’m looking stuff up on google so I won’t tell you anything wrong about this topic. Even though I’ve been part of the queer community for as long as I can remember, I barely know anything. This shows the problem pretty clearly.

We’re forgetting what the CSD stands for. The CSD is continuously becoming more of a party event that is disregarding where and why it started. And companies and political parties can even make profit from it even though they don’t actually support us. I think that’s part of the reason why this Pride is trying to be an alternative to the CSD.

Alright! Now let’s get to the next topic. Queer with disabilities.

Yuki is queer and blind. Unfortunately, intersectionality like Yuki’s example has the consequence that people are still being discriminated against in at least one of their communities. Even though it’s maybe not on purpose.

For example, in the blind community, it’s more common that queer people are not being accepted. Even though the blind community is about supporting and giving each other strength in relation to disabilities. Other parts of one’s identity shouldn’t even be the reason for a debate.

The same way, people with disabilities are often not considered at queer events. We can probably be happy that we’re working together with the Pride team who gives their best to give at least some people with disabilities the chance to be here today. Unfortunately most queer events don’t even consider any possible barriers while planning. Meaning that there are still many disabled queer people who cannot join us today because of these barriers. This is an example of why there’s always room for improvement. No matter what event we’re talking about.

What we also noticed is that people with disabilities, especially those with mental disabilities, have the problem of having their queer identity being denied by others.

It’s a very similar experience for neurodivergent people. Especially people who are being deceived as “stereotypical” neurodivergent have this problem.

A little explanation: Being neurodivergent means that the way our brains work differs from social standards. Examples of neurodivergence are autism, ADHD,depression, etc…

If a person is diagnosed with autism, then most people will probably think that there’s something that person can’t do. For example, that there’s a lack of social skills.

For example, MY neurodivergence is being denied by others because I’m standing here, holding a speech in front of a huge crowd, and I’m even having fun while giving it! Yuki, on the other hand, is actually having their neurodivergence denied because they’re blind.

Neurodivergent people are as diverse as neurotypical people are. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Just because a neurodivergent person can do something that another neurodivergent person CAN’T do, doesn’t mean one of them ISN’T neurodivergent!

Okay. To get back to queerness: Neurodivergence is much more common in queer people than in straight cis people. This could be because neurodivergent people are more likely to question their own gender- and sexual identity because they don’t conform to the social standards in the first place. That’s why we thought there are probably a lot of you here who can identify with the things we told you today 🙂

At the end, all we can say is: The world is a bad place and we should all stand in a corner and cry. Or tomorrow at least, when Pride is over.

That final conclusion was brought to you by Yuki. Because we weren’t able to agree on something and we always tied at rock, paper, scissors, we’ll give you both endings.

I already poured my heart out to you. I hope no one’s thinking I’m crying because I’m shaking so much this time. I’m just excited in a good way! So, we wish you lots of fun for the rest of the day!

That’s all from Yuki and Bunni, I have a date now, bye~!